I was really disappointed with the price of the new cartridge: AU $50.00. I decided to buy just the ink in order to refill the cartridge.
When I arrived at home and tried to refill the cartridge, I realized that there was no place to inject the ink.
I spent a few minutes looking to the fu%$^#g cartridge and conclude that there was no way to access the ink tank without making a hole at the top of the cartridge.
I will explain what I hacked this cartridge and put the ink inside.
This next two pictures show all you need:
You will need a clip, 20ml ink and obviously the empty cartridge.
1 - Buy the ink (see image bellow). I didn't find HP ink then I bought Cannon ink: AU $5.00.
2 - Get a clip, put on the fire for a few seconds
3 - Using the hot clip, make a hole in the cartridge on the place appointed in the last picture bellow. You might have to repeat the process if the ink needle doesn't fit in the hole.
4 - Inject 20 ml of ink slowly
5 - Seal the hole with a tape
6 - Put it back in the printer
7 - It will not work straight away. You will have to use the functionality in the printer to clean up the print head. Press the button "Setup", choose "Tools", then select "Clean Printhead".
This could take up to 5 minutes.
8 - Sometimes the printer may complain about the cartridge. In this case just press ok and ignore those messages about the cartridge.
That is it!
If you are really wondering what this cartridge looks like inside, take a look at the following pictures:
Inside the cartridge. Tank on the left and the the sponge on the right side:
See where you have to make the hole on the left side. On the right, there are three sponges and a little hole between the tank and the sponge compartment:
I have done this twice and everything has been going fine.
Obviously this cartridge in the pictures is rubbish and can NOT be utilized anymore.
Stay clear from HP!
Leonardo Correa