
Monday, 31 October 2011

ellesquire on the prowl lyrics aussie hiphop

Ollesquire is a Sydney hip hop rapper and released his first record called "Ready" in August 2011.
Ollesquire is coming to Melbourne:
Fri, Nov 25 - 8:30 pm
Northcote Social Club - Melbourne (W/ Thundamentals Foreverlution Tour)

further info on his Facebook page:

He is best known for the track "on the prowl" where he uses humor and sincerity to describe a typical situation when we go out for hunting! Really funny!

I tried to find "on the prowl" lyrics in the internet but is is not available. What do we do in this situation? We write it!
If you see this lyrics anywhere else, they copied from here.

As English is not my first language, it was a good exercise to sit down, write the lyrics and understand better the Aussie accent and slang.  Obviously I didn't get it all done. I did 70% and asked Genny to help with the rest. There is still a few words we couldn't get it but.

You can listen to "on the prowl" on his Facebook page or youtube"

So, do you like stuff??? very Aussie - here we go:

Ellesquire - on the prowl

Oh yeah
I'm on fire when I go to the night clubs
My pick up line is
so do you like stuff?
if they are keen they're probably a mindfuck

or they're fine  but they've turned dark known' my luck

I've gone right up to 'em and like Hi but
I never have a follow up line
So I just hi em up

Can I buy you a drunk
I mean buy a drink
I mean shit n' a fuck

I'm trying to think of somethin' witty to say
and she's like "whatever"
I'm sorry baby you could've been mine forever

I came on too strong
played on too long and found myself dancing to Akon's new song

Drunk as all fuck
Still trying to get my groove on
Bouncer comes up
"Sir can you please move on, you're too drunk it's time to call it quits"
I says:
"too drunk this is only my fourth of fifth, plus you're interrupting me, I'm trying' to talk to chicks"
he says "it's not a girl, you're talking to the wall you dick"
ahh shit...
"No wonder she was such a good listener, about to start kissing' her and get all of her digits, but you interrupted!"
he didn't find it funny
he kicked me out the club and then he punched me in the tummy

He's calling me a smartass and a drunk bum
said "I'd rather be a smartass than a dum cunt" (ehee no you didn't?)
No I didn't
but I think it's probably what I would've said if I was bigger

Full of liquor I move on to the next pub
I'm not gonna go home,
I've gotten all dressed up

Listen to me

Single and I'm on the prowl
I wish that I could mingle, I just don't know how
I get pissed too quick
Then I get thrown out
before I even get a chance to write your number down
(repeat) so I'm a rapper you know
oh you're a rapper, what?
you know like I rap and stuff
My mate is in the hilltop hoods
No, I don't know the hilltop hoods
They're awesome...yeah, you should see them
I'm good but, I'm heaps good, do you want me to do a rap for you?
no, I m actually gonna go over here now

So I find myself
in the middle of the largest of lines
just to get into a bar for a lager or five

I'd already been going hard drunk a carton at mine
before I even left my apartment and started my night

I see a hottie walk pass so I ask her for a light
She says "no I don't smoke"
n I say 'nah, neither do I'

We got to have a laugh at my retarded reply
but then she kept walking like she just passing me by

I had to think fast so I ask for the time
she says 'the thing on your wrist will give a rather good guide'

back to old smart ass like she's larger than life
ah forget her
I'm already at the start of the line
So I get into the venue where the party is right
everybody is looking like they're haven' a marvellous night
so many ladies in the place that it was hard to see guys
So it can't be hard for me to get a part of the pie
Pardon me I think I'll get a glass of your wine
the barman behind next to the chick in the karky design
The bartender just laughs and says "aren't you surprised that apart from you and I in the club there aren't any guys"
Well I did feel a little bit marginalised
But hell, all the more girls for me to party with me right?'

he's like "next time you (?find or win?) yourself some ass for the night n stay away from here dude this is a bar just for dykes"

Single and I'm on the prowl
I wish that I could mingle, I just don't know how
I get pissed too quick
Then I get thrown out
before I even get a chance to write you number down

This is Aussie talent! I will definitely check it out in Melbourne on 25th Nov.


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Web Mobile iPhone and Androids Inconsistencies

As I wrote in my profile, I am currently working as a Web Mobile Developer, focussed on high-end devices and will start to share my experiences and hacks to get the work done.

It has been a great experience working with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. Most people thinks this is all about rounded corner divs but we can build powerful web mobiles applications with HTML5 and CSS3.

Therefore nothing comes without some reasonable hassle. If you were one that complains about inconsistence on standard web site like Internet Explorer versus firefox, you need relax. You should be really happy where you are.

Web Mobiles is ten times more inconsistent than web for desktop. IPhones run safari mobile, which is not the same as safari desktop.  Androids behave slightly differently over device manufacturers (Eg.: annoying -webkit-tap-highlight-color css3 property) and totally different from iPhones.  

Please don't get me wrong: I love mobiles! that's why I didn't kill myself when I found out that safari mobile does not implement fixed position, neither div overlay scroll.

Can you do anything on web for desktop without fixed position and overflow scroll? In mobiles we have to do it. Find a good work-around is part of your role.

Worse yet, here comes safari mobile - the new Internet Explorer headache in mobiles.

But there are things that both iPhone and Androids sucks:

input type="search"

This code is supposed to give you that "clear on demand", the same on iphone apps but without any extra code. This is specified on HTML5 but they don't implement it.

Safari mobile does not implement overflow scroll for divs. Luckily there is the fantastic iScroll ( that "fixes" this problem.

There are consistent things as well like geoLocation:
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(foundLocationFunc, noLocationFunc); 
works for both devides and in a second you'll .

Next time I will share how to implement like a centralized spinner with a full screen semi-transparent overlay locking the page background. There are some tricks when the page is bigger than the screen and you have scroll.

Later on, I will share how to use full screen for iphone, take the most of this huge screen height.


Friday, 30 September 2011

soccer world cup 2014 brazil

Soccer world cup in Brazil is in less than 1000 days. Nice! This is the task list for this event to happen (from blog blogfazendoasocial):
  • 12 stadiums 
  • 3 years
  • 1 national team
I would add:
  • Decent airports 
  • Get rid of corrupt politicians and policemen all over the country
  • Sack Mano Menezes (current coach)

Brazil is the only place in the world that politicians take the money and never go to jail regardless of evidences like videos, phone call records and documents. Worse yet, those corrupt politicians never give the robbed money back - it disappears like magic.

Fact: In Brazil, everything that involves politicians has corruption.

Soccer stadiums construction are running late, airports have reached maximum capacity and the government is government (don't need to say anything else: made up of laziness and corruption).

If you haven't bough your tickets to Brazil 2014, don't do it because who knows if this world cup will ever happen.

Leonardo Correa

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Java2word Templates

Now you can use Templates with Java2word!

Take a look at the wiki page:

It is not the most advanced solution but gets the job done!

Leonardo Correa
coding for fun...

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Java2word in numbers statistics

Java2word started in August 2010. Since then, I have spent many hours of my own time to implement this code. There has been a lot of collaboration from people all over the world. 

Last 30 days: 
  • Visits: 850  
  • Pageviews: 3,189 

At all times(7 months):
  • Visits: 3,429
  • Pageviews: 15,146

Now we have style, fluent interface, over 92% test coverage.
Unfortunately I can't fit cucumber here...

  • Knock off some cyclomatic complexity
  • Get to 100% test coverage
  • Make font-size work
  • Implement bullet points

I decide to write in one unit test that uses all elements of the API. This works like a documentation/demonstration  of what can be done with java2word.

Take a look at the project page and search (ctrol + f) for "testJava2wordAllInOne"

thanks everyone for helping!

Leonardo Correa

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Java2word covariant return type

When I was studying for SCJP exam, in 2007, I had to learn a lot of things that didn't make sense and I thought that I would never use. 

Today, in my Java2word library, I utilized Covariant Return Type.

This basically is when you override some method, you can return any subtype of the original return type. Eg.:

The class ParagraphPieceStyle extends AbstractStyle and overrides the method create().

public abstract class AbstractStyle implements ISuperStylin {

    private IElement element;
    public void setElement(IElement element) {
        this.element = element;
    public IElement create() {
        return this.element;

public class ParagraphPieceStyle extends AbrstractStyle{

    public ParagraphPiece create() {
        return (ParagraphPiece) super.create();


The original return type is "IElement" but returns "ParagraphPieceStyle".The advantage of this is the flexibility to return any subtype of the original type.

this is the code without Covariant:

ParagraphPiece myParPiece01 = (ParagraphPiece) ParagraphPiece.with("...");

This is with covariant:

ParagraphPiece myParPiece01 = ParagraphPiece.with("..."); 

Now I don't need to do a type cast (downcast) of the type.


Leonardo Correa

Saturday, 12 February 2011

My Dexter Addiction

what is our concept of wrong and right? how about punishment; how should we punish someone that does something wrong? Have you ever thought that you would like someone that kills people?

Friend of mine called Dylon talked about a TV serie that the main character is a serial killer. I couldn't believe it! But he said: He kills only bad people!
Yeah... sounds cool...

I downloaded some episodes, watched them and quickly became addicted to it. It surprised me the  number of people supporting the ideas behind Dexter.
On the other hand, there are lots of people against Dexter's concepts - I respect their opinion.

I must define "bad people" at this point:

Murderers, Brazilian Politicians (all fucking corrupt politicians and policemen), presidents and ex-presidents of some countries, ..., ..., ..., this list could never finish...

The pleasure to see real punishment, punish whom ever f$%#ng deserve is priceless. We are sick of bad people* not being punished properly.

 Dexter judges and executes the sentence at the same time. He efficiently does what the system can't do it.

Surely no one wouldn't mind if Dexter applies his skills on Brazilian politicians - I think they deserve... fucking deserve. Conventional justice doesn't work for then.

If you grew up in a first world-country (or decent place), you have NO idea what I am talking about here. You may have never seen corruption in the same way.

I have seen so much corruption in the government. I used to be an accountant and worked in the treasure department for 3 years.

 Everybody has their own secrets. I love when Dexter is holding his baby and says: "I ll tell you a secret - daddy kills people, but only bad guys..."

In my point of view people love Dexter because the world is missing a very simple thing: give bad people what they deserve. At the end of the day what we want is justice, nothing more...