
Friday 30 September 2011

soccer world cup 2014 brazil

Soccer world cup in Brazil is in less than 1000 days. Nice! This is the task list for this event to happen (from blog blogfazendoasocial):
  • 12 stadiums 
  • 3 years
  • 1 national team
I would add:
  • Decent airports 
  • Get rid of corrupt politicians and policemen all over the country
  • Sack Mano Menezes (current coach)

Brazil is the only place in the world that politicians take the money and never go to jail regardless of evidences like videos, phone call records and documents. Worse yet, those corrupt politicians never give the robbed money back - it disappears like magic.

Fact: In Brazil, everything that involves politicians has corruption.

Soccer stadiums construction are running late, airports have reached maximum capacity and the government is government (don't need to say anything else: made up of laziness and corruption).

If you haven't bough your tickets to Brazil 2014, don't do it because who knows if this world cup will ever happen.

Leonardo Correa